Broadband session at the Minnesota Rural Education Association Conference

Earlier this month, before the Broadband Conference, Blandin Broadband Communities (BBC) had an opportunity to present at the MREA conference. I wanted to share their notes – very interesting stuff…

Description of the session…

Broadband, or high-speed Internet, is now an essential education tool. Classrooms are wired; wireless is increasingly everywhere on almost every school campus. But learning does not stop at the school door. Today’s learning requires a combination of ubiquitous community connectivity and available devices, plus the creation and use of dynamic curriculum to meet the diverse needs of the community – for pre-k kids to adult life-long learners.

Blandin Foundations partners with rural communities on all things broadband – from improving Internet access across entire rural counties to supporting the effective use of broadband across all community sectors. Schools have played a critical role in the success of many community broadband initiatives across greater Minnesota – by providing community access to high speed Internet, to training students of all ages to make effective use of Internet tools, to connecting community members together through cross-generational mentoring, to video streaming of community events. Enhanced access spurring enhanced skills make rural communities a more vibrant and sustainable place in this tech-centered world.

Learn from leaders who have made a difference in their community broadband initiatives. Learn what role your school district can have in helping your community thrive into the future.

  • Chris Olafson Langenbrunner, Community Education Director, Lake Superior Schools
  • Marc Johnson, Executive Director, ECMECC
  • Renae Tostenson, Superintendent, Lac qui Parle Valley Schools

And materials…

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