Cash Mobs – a way to boost local economic development

I read about an idea that I love in the Twin Cities Daily Planet – it’s called a cash mob. Lately the Twin Cities has seen a rash of nefarious flash mobs, where groups of folks wreak havoc on a shop or shopping area. Often the motive seems to be stealing or injuring others. A cash mob is the opposite…

Cash mobs are descending on Twin Cities stores. Unlike flash mobs, cash mobs are not spontaneous or disruptive. The group democratically selects a local business and, on a given day and time, participants visit the store, aiming to spend around $20 each. Cash mobs are a form of social activism, encouraging support for small businesses such as St. Paul Corner Drug, Harriet Brewing,Moss Envy, and Goddess of Glass. In addition to spurring local shopping, the group encourages socialization.

There’s an organization in Minneapolis that’s behind the group do-gooding, called Cash Mob Minneapolis. It sure seems to me like the kind of thing that might work in a smaller town too. You can visit the Cash Mob website. The steps are easy. It sounds like fun. And it would be a great boost to a local shop. It might even encourage some ongoing social media activity in your area.

This entry was posted in economic development, MN, New Media by Ann Treacy. Bookmark the permalink.

About Ann Treacy

Librarian who follows rural broadband in MN and good uses of new technology (, hosts a radio show on MN music (, supports people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota ( and helps with social justice issues through Women’s March MN.

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