Heartwarming story of Internet connecting neighbors

E-Democracy hosts online discussion for communities – sometimes communities of interest, mostly neighbors. They connect via email and web forums. I’ve mentioned them in the past; I’ve been a volunteer for 15+ years.

Email doesn’t require broadband – but an email list may be the killer app to get some non-adopters online. It’s a good way to keep up on what’s happening in the neighborhood and connect with neighbors, even in the winter months. I thought the following story of how a neighborhood connected through the list was worth sharing.

Just before Christmas, a family in the Corcoran neighborhood of Minneapolis was burglarized. Unfortunately, this was also just a few days before their daughter’s seventh birthday. Martha, a Corcoran Neighbors Forum member heard about the robbery in her neighborhood and turned to the forum for help. Within three days, the neighborhood worked together, buying gifts for both Christmas and the daughter’s birthday. Afterwards, Martha shared this post on the forum:

“Thank you everyone who responded to our Corcoran neighbor that experienced a robbery. I was able to deliver 4 bags of gifts for mom, dad and daughter that people donated; as well as some for daughter’s birthday. Gifts came in all shapes and sizes: gift cards for Target, Cub and Riverview Theater, free entrance to Mall of America attractions and rides, 2-3 hour face painting gig for a kid’s party sometime in the future, books and many more things. Because I’ve known them over time we were able to talk in depth about the decision of where to “keep” money. We had cash donations of $130 and dad and I drove to the bank and deposited the money so the money would not be in the house. They were incredibly appreciative and thankful. They said when their daughter saw all the presents she said Santa had come and it was magic! I love this neighborhood and you all as my neighbors. Thank you for your generosity.” —Martha Bird, Corcoran Neighbors Forum

This story is a great example of what can happen when neighbors are connected to one another. They look out for each other, come together to solve problems, and reach out when someone is in need.

This entry was posted in Broadband Applications, Digital Divide, MN by Ann Treacy. Bookmark the permalink.

About Ann Treacy

Librarian who follows rural broadband in MN and good uses of new technology (blandinonbroadband.org), hosts a radio show on MN music (mostlyminnesota.com), supports people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota (elimstrongtowershelters.org) and helps with social justice issues through Women’s March MN.

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