OPPORTUNITY: Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant Opportunity

I thought the following from the MN Department of Education might be useful to some readers, or might encourage someone to make the local library part of the digital expansion/inclusion plan…

The Minnesota Department of Education makes this funding available to legally established public libraries and library cooperatives or consortia, libraries located in Minnesota’s public schools or public colleges and universities, and special libraries operated by a Minnesota registered 501 (c)(3) organizations for the purpose of helping to achieve Minnesota’s LSTA Five-Year Plan (2023-2027), Goals A, B, and C, in order to reduce barriers to access, promote equity, showcase libraries contributions to community, and empower Minnesota’s library workforce.

While LSTA funds are primarily intended to support new projects that can serve as models or pilots, applications for new phases of a project that is underway may be submitted. Libraries may also apply for funding of an ongoing project if it reaches new audiences, incorporates new methods or significantly expands the reach of the project.

CFDA 45.310

Due Date: July 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. Central Time

Total amount available: $400,000.00

Maximum grant amount: $75,000.00

Minimum grant amount: $10,000.00

Submit all required material to mde.compgrants@state.mn.us

This entry was posted in Funding, MN by Ann Treacy. Bookmark the permalink.

About Ann Treacy

Librarian who follows rural broadband in MN and good uses of new technology (blandinonbroadband.org), hosts a radio show on MN music (mostlyminnesota.com), supports people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota (elimstrongtowershelters.org) and helps with social justice issues through Women’s March MN.

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