2021 Minnesota Broadband County Profiles – from Aitkin to Yellow Medicine

Minnesota has two broadband speed goals:

  • Ubiquitous access to speeds of 25 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up (25/3) by 2022
  • Ubiquitous access to 100/20 by 2026

Using maps and data from the Office of Broadband Development and stories collected on the Blandin on Broadband blog, I have created a broadband snapshot of each county and their progress, especially on meeting the 2026 goal.

I have also coded each county with Red, Yellow or Green. These are meant be indicators of the level urgency a county might consider for their broadband planning moving forward. I factored in current percentage of access covered but also recent activity in the county, provider options available to them and unique barriers..

Here are other links that might be of interest:

Here are links to each county